1: Managing Your Emotions
1.1: Introduction to Emotion Regulation and Coping Skills
1.2: Emotion Regulation and Coping Reflection
1.3: Healthy Habits Quiz
1.4: How Healthy Habits Can Improve Emotion Regulation
2: My Coping Skills
2.1: Dealing with Difficult Emotions
2.2: Coping Skills Challenge
2.3: Deep Breathing Practice
2.4: Progressive Muscle Relaxation Practice
2.5: Mindfulness Guided Imagery Practice
3: How Emotions Influence Thoughts & Behaviors
3.1: How Thoughts, Feelings, and Behaviors are Related
3.2 : Identifying Thinking Traps
3.3 : Challenging Negative Thoughts
4: How to Respond During Conflicts
4.1: Identifying Emotions in Others
4.2: Thomas Kilmann Conflict Quiz
4.3: Ways to Respond to Conflict
4.4: Conflict Reflection Activity
5: Perspective Taking and Communicating
5.1: How Managing Emotions Can Reduce Conflict
5.2: How Our Brain Reacts During Strong Emotions
5.3: Steps for Conflict Resolution
5.4: Conflict Problem Solving Activity
Reflection Exercise
Skills Review
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